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vrijdag 2 januari 2015

Natural Law or Tribal Traditions

No one is bound to do what is impossible
The law requires nothing impossible

Legal Definition: The law does not compel a man to do that which is impossible
A l'impossible nul n'est tenu: (No one is bound to do what is impossible) 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 601.

Lex non cogit ad impossibilia: (The law requires nothing impossible).

Legal Definition: The law does not compel a man to do that which is impossible.

‘Common Law’ is still slavery law, used to justify the genocide of indigenous peoples. It pre-dated Statutory Law, from which Statutory and Civil Law come. The misunderstanding of Common Law comes from Kevin Annett’s Manual on Common Law. A brief history of Common Law.

Brehon Law is a form of Oral Tribal Tradition and would count as Tribal Law. Anything Oral that derives from the culture in which it is practiced would be considered Tribal Law. To call it ‘law’ is really inaccurate because the traditions are handed down in the form of stories and support the ‘Living Togetherness’ of the community.

We can use the term Natural Law. Which we can all define as do no harm. Both Natural Law (in nature there is a law and hierarchy) and Tribal Traditions work for me to express Natural Law/Cosmic Law in a true living togetherness.

Taxing is Illegal and unlawful according to Natural Law/Cosmic Law/the All Law
Politicians know this already. At least in Europe they do. And perceiving from this video people in America have awareness too on this issue.

‘They’ try to contract us by saying US citizens, but when you are aware of the birth certificate fraud you are conscious you are not your birth certificate and that it is all fraud. We are not citizens, we are living human beings (spiritual beings having experiences in a physical body).

Furthermore tax money is not necessary at all: all we NEED we can create out of thin air… The ‘new money’ we can create out of thin air and there is no taxation or redistribution of ‘old money’ needed at all. This is a lie too.

Look on my blogs for in-depth awareness on a true living togetherness which costs nothing and is back within one day.

We need to grow into our discernment in ‘old money’ and ‘new money’ too because otherwise we drag the ‘old’ in our psyche (and therefor our outer world) into the ‘new’.

In short: ‘old money’ is the expression of lack, shortage, division, hate, inequity and inequality, control, steering, governments, power over, suppression, oppression, rules and laws which are the layers over our direct living togetherness, taxation, debt, the Secret (and other money workshops and success workshops which has nothing to do with the Abundance principal: they will learn you how to pull money and success towards you. These are all techniques based on the shortage principal and fear).

‘New money’ is the expression of abundance, oneness, love, equity and equality, freedom, self governance, inner strength, coming from source, crowd power facility, plain means of exchange, credits/coupons, no taxation, is unburdening and unburdened on all levels (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically), letting life flow in its own context.

‘New money’ has nothing to do with ‘a local currency’. ‘New Existence Money’ is the transmutated form of our money, from a right perception of ourselves and our togetherness: they are one and the same: equivalent: Existence Money. This does not dissolve the collective problems, no, by Existence Money (the expression of our life entrance) we don’t create these problems any more. Life has back her own entrance to life, which costs nothing.

A ‘new facilitation platform’ facilitates the use of Existence Money and has dissolved banks, 90% of government which have to transform into facilitating bureaus, the welfare bureau, health insurance companies, and a lot of communicipality work. And most important all poverty: is gone, because we don’t create it anymore.

There is no copyright and patent on Equi Living Togetherness and the currency Equi. No copyright indeed when you comprehend ‘Out the One are the many’ instead of ‘out the many is the one’.

So everything coming from source, the One, (just like we ourselves human beings are) is without copyright: the copyright just can not be there. Equi, writing numbers of value in a notebook, living without money, coupons, contributionism (Ubuntu in its essence), etc.,. etc… there can not be copyright on it and it can not be taxed in any way. And all written laws are legal dead fictions.

Recognition old and new living togetherness
You recognize the ‘old’ by
Fear, Depression, Psychosis, Schizophrenia
Sacrifice, Suppression and Oppression
The Secret

You recognize the ‘new’ by
Inner peace
With ease, effortless
Letting each Other exist (stand) in freedom, no taxes added, no load added
The Abundance Principal
Co-creation out of passion (Supra Sex)

Economics of Certainty
Economics of Certainty is not an idea, nor a plan, but sprouts from an inner place and awareness where all can thrive on this planet together in peace and heart to heart connection. No agenda attached. Even no stories about each other attached. Nothing… of all this… Absolutely no divisiveness, that’s not from Economics of Certainty. No one is excluded. All are included.

Totally walking my talk from Oneness consciousness.

I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. i am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That’s why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there… Waiting… For a true Living Together on Earth… Hope you will not take to long.

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