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vrijdag 5 december 2014

Crowd Power 'Identification'

The only thing we need to 'identify' ourselves is our physical body: yes I excist and you know that. So you can 'identify' me and I can 'identify' you.

'Identification' does say nothing about the relation/connection you have with the other. You simply know I exist. That's all. So when you have met a human face to face, you know this human exist. Via webcam (skype) we can 'identify' each other also. That's all we need according to 'identification'.
So when we need 'identification' for whatever this is sufficient. Nothing more is needed. Life is easy!
(No passport needed, no driverslicence needed, etc.: do you comprehend the impact?)

A crowd power identification comes into being from an inner impulse
From within the crowd, bc you as a crowd comprehend the common good of being trustful to each other/to be reliable to each other. The crowd brings a crowd power identification into being.

The crowd should facilitate herself: that's the true meaning of crowd power... bring into being what you as a crowd want/long to bring into being, bc as a crowd you find 'something' meaningful and useful.

A crowd power identification will be the source of so many other processes too. Its up to the living togetherness to comprehend the crowd misses crowd power identification everywhere.

This is the true/deep meaning of togetherness.


Een crowd power identificatie ontstaat vanuit een impuls vanuit de crowd, omdat je het belang begrijpt van elkaar betrouwbaarheid bieden. De crowd kan een crowd power identificatie laten ontstaan.

De crowd dient zichzelf hierin te faciliteren: dat is de wezenlijke betekenis van crowd power... laten ontstaan wat je als crowd wilt laten ontstaan omdat je 'iets' als crowd als zinvol en nuttig ervaart/beleeft.

Een crowd power identificatie zal de bron worden van zoveel andere processen ook. Het is aan het samen leven zelf, om te beseffen dat overal crowd power identificatie gemist wordt.

Dit is het wezenlijke samen

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